Welcome to the Crawler-Lib Framework

Crawler-Lib is a framework for your information retrieval, data mining or publishing projects. Use it to create web crawler or web spider software, text- and data mining software and business intelligence solutions.  Simplified coding of complex workflows and a high operation-throughput, due to the use of an optimized combination of multithreading and async operations, are strengths of the Crawler-Lib framework.

If you develop in Visual Basic or C# or any other language supported by the Microsoft .NET framework, Mono Project or Silverlight test our libraries and services in your current or next project. Our libraries are available as NuGet package and as Zip-File download.

Crawler-Lib Framework Libraries for

Featured products

Crawler-Lib Engine

Crawler-Lib Engine
Crawler-Lib Engine available – Sunday, June 23, 2013
The Crawler-Lib Engine is a workflow enabled task and request processor. It is currently available as NuGet package.
Crawler-Lib Framework Website Launch – Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The new website for the Crawler-Lib Framework is launched. Software libraries will be added in the next days.