Crawler-Lib NHunspell.1.2.5538.16545 is released. Please update your projects with the most recent version.
The Crawler-Lib Engine and the Engine Test Helper version 2.3.5529.650 is released on NuGet and as zipped download. Please update your projects.
A new Crawler-Lib company presentation is available in the download center (
A new “Website Crawler Sample” is available in the “Crawler Engine (C#)” code examples section. It is a basic implementation of a website crawler.
The Crawler-Lib Engine and the Engine Test Helper version 2.3.5503.33731 is released on NuGet and as zipped download. Please update your projects.
The Crawler-Lib Build Tools are released. The build tools are a agile PowerShell based toolbox for automating the software build, test and integration process. It can be customized and extended in several ways. The commands can be executed from the PowerShell console, the NuGet console in Visual Studio and from any continuous integration server with PowerShell installed.
The Crawler-Lib Engine and the Engine Test Helper version 2.2.5367.17954 is released on NuGet and as zipped download. Please update your projects.
NHunspell.1.2.5359.26126 is released. A updated NHunspellSamples.1.2.5359.26938 is also available. Please update your projects with the most recent version.
NHunspell is a free and open source spell check, hyphenation and thesaurus library for the Microsoft .NET Framework. Crawler-Lib is the new home for this project. The source-code stays on Sourceforge, but the support comes to us.
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