The Crawler-Lib Build-Tools are PowerShell based build automation tools that can be integrated in a continuous integration process or used stand alone even direct in Visual Studio via the NuGet console.
The Build-Tools are configured with a XML file with the default name “BuildConfig.xml”. Here is the basic structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Build configuration --> <BuildConfig > <!-- Definition of the tool that creates a label for the new build --> <Label Tool="BuildRevisionTimestamp" /> <Credentials> <ProviderTool="Plain"> NuGetApiKey=1234 FtpServer=user:password </Provider> </Credentials> <!-- The solutions are build one by one --> <Solutions> <!-- A Solution to build. --> <Solution Name="Test"> <!-- Definition of the tool that creates a version for the solutuon for new builds --> <Version Tool="AppendLabel">2.1</Version> <!-- The build sequences are executable by the appopriate commands --> <BuildSequences> <!-- A build sequence for a new build, the steps are executed one by one --> <New-Build> <Step Tool="Autover" Path="Test.sln" /> <StepTool="MSBuild"Path="$($solution.Name).sln"Configuration="Release"Platform="Any CPU" /> <StepTool="MSBuild"Path="$($solution.Name).sln"Configuration="Release"Platform="x86" /> <StepTool="MSBuild"Path="$($solution.Name).sln"Configuration="Release"Platform="x64" /> <Step Tool="NUnit" Path="UnitTestsbinreleaseunitTests.exe" Output="NUnitTestResult.xml"/> <Step Tool="FxCop" Path="UnitTestsbinreleaseunitTests.exe" Output="FxCopTestResult.xml"/> </New-Build> <!-- A build sequence to process an exiting build (here to publish the build)--> <Publish-Build> </Publish-Build> </BuildSequences> </Solution> </Solutions> </BuildConfig>
Nearly all XML attributes in the configuration can use PowerShell. The strings are treated as powershell strings. As a result the strings in the XML configuration must be properly escaped if no PowerShell is meant. The Powershell escape character is “`”. All powershell commands and statements have full access to the surrounding build process which is also powershell.
In this example the path name is constructed from the solution name using powershell:
<Step Tool="Autover" Path="$($solution.Name).sln" />
All tools labled as Powershell have PowerShell commands in the XML Element. This build step will execute the powershell stements inside the element:
<Step Tool="Powershell"> write-host "New-Build for" $solution.Name </Step>
PowerShell is very close and seamless integrated in the XML configuration.
Each build is labeled to identify the build.
The build revision timestamp creates a build.revision label accourding to the microsoft assembly naming specifications. But in contrast to visual studio UTC time is used so that all intraday builds can be orderded in the meaning of “newer” regardless in which timezone they where build.
<Label Tool="BuildRevisionTimestamp" />
The build tools are designed to use credentials that are not directy sored in the build steps because of maintainability and security reasons. Build steps can access credentials via the $context.Credentials
hashtable. E.g if a NuGetApiKey cedential exists, it cam be used for a ApiKey attribute in XML in this way: ApiKey="$($context.Credentials.NuGetApiKey)"
Credentials are provided in the <Credentials>
section of the configuration. In this section multiple <Provider> elements can be specified. The resulting hashtable contains all values of them.
The plain provider specifies the credentials direct as name/value pairs:
<Provider Tool="Plain"> NuGetApiKey=xxx UploadServer=user:password </Provider>
The file provider uses the same format as the Plain provider, but reads the text form a file
<Provider Tool="File"path="Credentials.txt" />
The powershell provider executes powershell statements which must return a [Hashtable]
with the name/value paris
<Provider Tool="Powershell"> return @{"ApiKey"="xxx"; "UploadKey"="xxx"} </Provider>
Every solution gets a version during the build. At first this is declarative only, but the build steps can use the version to update the assembly and file versions and to verify the generated files. Versions are generated with the Version
element in the solution. The generation of a solution version depends on the used tool.
The plain version tool parses the given string to produce a [Version]
<Version Tool="Plain"></Version>
The powershell version tool executes powershell statements which must return a [Version] object.
<Version Tool="Powershell"> return [Version]::Parse("") </Version>
The AppendLabel version tool appends the build label to the given text and parses the result to produce a [Version]
<Version Tool="AppendLabel">2.0</Version>
The building block of a build is a sequence of build steps. These build steps are executed one by one on a build.
Autover ist the command line untility of Versioning Controlled Build, a Visual Studio addin to automate versioning of .NET and VC++ projects. It can be used to patch the assembly versions of the current build:
<Step Tool="Autover" Path="$($solution.Name).sln" />
The BuildSequence step allows to execute the steps of a build sequence in another build sequence. It is like a call of the build sequence:
<Step Tool="BuildSequence" Name="SubSequence" />
Downloads the specified remote file to the local location using the WebClient class:
<StepTool="Download" Local="" Remote=ftp://***:***@buildserver/Dictionaries/ />
MSBuild is the build system for Microsoft Visual Studio. It is able to build XML based project files, which include all Visual Studio project files and Visual Studio solutions. It is possible to specify the configuration and platform of the build.
o the build process variables:
<Step Tool="MSBuild" Path="$($solution.Name).sln" Configuration="Release" Platform="Any CPU" />
PowerShell can be executed directly. The PowerShell statements have full access to the build process variables:
<Step Tool="Powershell"> write-host "New-Build for" $solution.Name </Step>
It is also possible to use an external PowerShell file for the step:
<Step Tool="Powershell" Path="PowerShellFile.ps1" />
Uploads the specified local file to the remote location using the WebClient class:
<StepTool="Upload"Local="UnitTestsbinreleaseunitTests.exe"Remote="ftp://***:***@buildserver/unitTests.exe" />
Removes a file if it exists. To ensure that the file exists, perform a VeryfyFile step before.
<Step Tool="RemoveFile" Path="" />
Veryfy File checks if the given file exist on a specific point of a build. It can also be checked if the file has the buid specific file version and product version. And it can be checked if the file was created (last write timestamp) during the current build. If one of this conditions fail, the build is aborted.
<Step Tool="VerifyFile" Path="TestApplicationbinreleaseTestApplication.exe" FileVersion="true" ProductVersion="true" New="true"/> <Step Tool="VerifyFile" Path="TestApplicationbinreleaseTestApplication.pdb" FileVersion="false" ProductVersion="false" New="true"/>
Appends the specified file to the zip archieve.
<Step Tool="Zip" Path="TestApplicationbinreleaseTestApplication.exe" Target="binTestApplication.exe" ZipFile=""/> <Step Tool="Zip" Path="TestApplicationbinreleaseTestApplication.pdb" Target="binTestApplication.pdb" ZipFile="Release."/>
The Build-Tools can be extended by providing build steps, build labelers and solution version providers. A build step for a tool called YourCommand is integrated by defining a function with the name Invoke-BuildStep_YourCommand_Tool
function Invoke-BuildStep_YourCommand_Tool($context) { $path = Expand-ParameterString $context.Step.Path $option1 Expand-ParameterString $context.Step.Option1 YourCommand $path $option1 }
It can be used in the XML configuration like this:
<Step Tool="YourCommand" Path="YourFile" Option1="Value1"/>
The passed $context variable is a PowerShell hashtable which contains the following data:
The build label generation and the solution version generation are also extendable. To provide tools for this you must define functions with this names:
function New-LabelForBuild_MyBuildLabel_Tool( [DateTime] $buildTimeUtc)
function New-VersionForSolution_MyVersion_Tool([System.Xml.XmlElement] $solution, $buildLabel)
And you have your build label and solution version tools integrated. Then they can be used in the configuration with these declarations:
<Label Tool="MyBuildLabel" />
<Version Tool="MyVersion">2.1</Version>
The Crawler-Lib Build-Tools are pure PowerShell. There is no magic executable. To debug the build process you just start the PowerShell ISE and set a breakpoint in the Invoke-Build
Set-PSBreakpoint -Command Invoke-Build
When you run your next build, the ISE will halt on the breakpoint and you can step in every single build step and see what is going on. This is even true when you execute the Build_tools on a continuous integration server. You just go to the checkout dirtectory and test your stuff.